Tuesday 3 November 2015

Where is My Bharat and Where is My Bhartwasi

Bharath, the one whose favorite game as a child was to count the teeth of lions. So was the person whose land was names as Bharat and the people known as Bharatwasi or the Bhartiye. One of the first stories I heard as a child, I considered as true. I was so proud , thanking the almighty for being sent in here. I promised myself to stand on the level set so high. I pleaded the almighty to support me and help me carry on the legacy.

I was so afraid of Dacus(Gabbar singh). Then one day my Grandmother told the story of Angulimal Dakku. The way in which he was tamed by mere words of compassion and kindness. I was astonished and was full of thoughts. This was the first time I came to know the power of love and a felling of oneness to the nature.

I started doing algebra, geometry and trigonometry. I was fascinated as I went on solving difficult problems by using theorems and formulas , wondering about the wisdom of the people who would have worked on the numerical system and the formulation of such complex mathematics. I couldn't believe my ears when I came to know that all these things were contributed by our own fellow Bahratwasi.

These were the best days of life as I went on with similar facts around other spheres as well. Until recently when I try to read any national daily or tune to any news channel.

Various people come and talk about saving Hinduism and our culture. I first wondered what does Hinduism actually means. I searches all over internet but couldn't find anything satisfactory other than the fact that it was a term coined by Europeans defining Bharatiye civilization.

Most of these people talk about saving the Hindus from Muslim influence. I went on to dig the history. What I found that the Muslims had ruled Bharat for more than 1000 years. I just wondered that the Powerful Muslim rulers could not force the so called hindus in a span of 1000 years with their supreme power , how come the hindus are in danger in the world's largest democracy. 

Those who came to this land of Bharat , Buddha and ashoka , they lost their own identity and submerged into the ocean of love , compassion and eternal satisfaction. What are we afraid then is a great mystery.

One of Son of our Land Vivekananda went to Chicago and enslaved the whole intellectual world by his mere thoughts , belief and words. Forcing a whole lot of people from distinct civilizations to come and embrace the truth prevailing in the air we are born in.

Today I heard that hundreds of so called Men killed an old man and another hundred came together to set ablaze a minor. Remember that they come from the same land as the mighty Bharat , Buddha and Vivekananda.
Then what is it that has made the situations that is prevailing today. It's none other than  Fear and Disbelief. I would consider myself a disbeliever if I try to defend the one who I believe is the creator of this massive universe. This exposes the mere weakness of thought and soul that can be altered by mere words of hatred , greed and selfishness.

I don't say that the so called preachers of religions are wrong in commanding the fellow men to slaughter others who don't believe in their ideology. But what if they are wrong. What would be my answer when I face my creator and he would ask me the reason for destroying his creations so brutally. 

I was born on a land which taught love, peace , brotherhood and compassion. I apologize to the almighty if for any instance I was corrupt in my thoughts and tried to compete him in his jurisdiction.
I do hereby request him to help decontaminate the minds of my fellowmen who are possessed by the devil instigating the felling of hatred leading to the unholy deeds.    

Friday 2 October 2015

Green Revolution, A Rare Success Story of India

A lot of things have contributed to make India ,what it stands today. One such events is Green Revolution, formally knows as High Yield Variety(HYV) program.
A series of events took place that lead to this ever cherished program which was going to change the way the world was looking at us.

After the commencement of the constitution, the new task was to take the country from measurable  condition of collapsed economic and social to a well stabilized one. For this our leadership ,  (inspired by Soviet Union) decided to take the path of five yearly planning commission, recently  elaborated and renamed as NITI Ayog.

The first five year plan was launch in 1951 with a clear vision to promote both agriculture as well as Industries, with a clear upper-hand of Agriculture. However the patter changed in the 2nd Five  year Plan, commencing in 1956. This Plan was focusing mainly on Industrialization sidelining  Agriculture.

Second important event that occurred during the time was Chinese invasion during 1961-62. It also contributed towards further degradation of our spine less economy.

Subsequently there were Drought, Famine and Hunger. Resulting which India had to ask for food from the 1st world. The America did help with their PL 480 Law. But it became an ultimate self embarrassment and before the whole world as the food grains were of inferior quality, which had alternatively been fed to the animals.

The Government had taken enough and realized that something had to be done and the Outcome was HYV Program. This program was developed by Norman Borlaug and was brought in India by M S Swaminathan, with a clear aim to become self sufficient in food grains.

Traditional Farming

A clear layout was carved in terms of what to produce, How to produce, where to produce and How much to produce. Emphasis was given on the climate based crop system and mechanization of agriculture which would ultimately lead towards efficiency.
Mechanized Farming

The program turned out be a milestone in Indian history as India not only became self sufficient in the coming years but also started to export food grains to its neighboring countries. India needs similar kind of results in the Manufacturing industry which is fighting hard to come out of India's womb.